I was called out to do the ALS ice water challenge by Matt Wood, so I was a good sport and did it. I will also donate, and I call out Scott Marchena, Mindy Holguin, Miguel Aguilar and the infamous Juan Robles you all have 24 hours to complete this! Damn I wish I could call out more people! To my friends I challenged please keep the drought in mind when taking your challenge, if you have access to a pool do it like I did and use the pool water in the pool, if u do not have a pool please find a non water wasting way to do the challenge or simply donate, but you must record yourself accepting and explaining you choose to skip the water challenge due to the drought. Thank you and keep up the good fight and let’s all be responsible during this serious drought California is facing.

To all my friends taking on the ALS ice water challenge please keep the drought in mind when taking your challenge, if you have access to a pool do it like I did and use the pool water in the pool, if u do not have a pool please find a non water wasting way to do the challenge or simply donate, but also record yourself accepting the challenge and explaining you choose to skip the water challenge due to the drought. This way it will be raising awareness for the ALS and awareness for the serious drought we are facing in California. Thank you and keep up the good fight and let’s all be responsible during this serious drought California is facing.

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